Returning Souls
These are the characters who took center stage during the first Corpse Party. Each of them has a role to play in these
chronicles as well, with special focus being given to those whom fate stole from us prematurely last time around.
Naomi Nakashima
Haunted by feelings of deja vu, Naomi seems to know bits and pieces of the harrowing events that are destined to occur within Heavenly Host Elementary School. Determined to find some way of changing fate and preventing these tragedies from coming to pass, she must learn to suppress her own dark urges and control her inner demons, before it's too late.
Seiko Shinohara
For longer than she can recall, Seiko has harbored feelings deeper than mere friendship for her bosom(ed) buddy Naomi, but has chosen to suppress them in order to support Naomi's wishes and dreams for the future. Once the nature of Heavenly Host becomes clear, however, Seiko realizes that her time on this earth may be limited, and she must decide whether to come clean or continue living a lie...
Mayu Suzumoto
Unconsciously aware of the grisly end that fate has in store for her, Mayu embarks on a desperate search for her classmate and "rock," Morishige. Always struggling to stay one step ahead of certain death, Mayu's justified paranoia and careful planning help her reunite with old friends, and even make new ones. But the clock is ticking, and there are only so many places she can run before whoever (or whatever) is pursuing her finally catches up...
Yoshiki Kishinuma
Though impulsive by nature, Yoshiki can be surprisingly level-headed when the situation calls for it, easily serving as a voice of reason for those around him. His near-obsessive care and concern for Ayumi is what drives him onward, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to ensure her safety, even at the cost of his own. But in a place like Heavenly Host, is it really possible to protect another human being, or are one's efforts better spent on self-preservation?
Ayumi Shinozaki
Ayumi is perhaps more in danger than anyone else in Heavenly Host due to her natural receptiveness to spiritual energy. If she's not careful, she could become so deeply and completely possessed that her own soul would be lost forever -- and there's no telling what might take its place. Her only hope for salvation lies in the friendships she's forged with her classmates... but will that be enough?
Satoshi Mochida
A doting brother, good friend, attentive student and all-around honorable individual, Satoshi is also a bit of a wuss (a fact which he himself readily admits). As a result of these personality traits, he's generally among the first people others look to as a leader, but the last person who should ever be given that role. And of course, when the time loop occurs, he's the only one who fully remembers all the events yet to come. Can he keep his friends out of harm's way, or will his meekness affect his credibility?
Yui Shishido
What makes this overzealous teacher's assistant tick? Corpse Party: Book of Shadows steps back a few years and looks at Yui in the past, during her senior year of high school. Back then, she wanted to be a teacher more than anything... but was she ready for it? Could she handle the responsibility? As an aspiring educator, where did she turn for help and support when she needed it? And perhaps most importantly... could she survive the deadly curse of Kisaragi High, or was her role destined to come to a premature end?
Naho Saenoki
A famed paranormalist and published author who attends Paulownia High (when she can), Naho regards strangers and fans alike with a cold professionalism that really helps sell her to the public as a capable investigator. Once the cameras and microphones are off, however, she's like a playful cat on a sugar high -- a sight beheld only by her closest friends and acquaintances. The question is, which side of the coin represents Naho's true nature? Or is her true nature something altogether much darker...?
Sakutaro Morishige
In the real world, Morishige is a loner. He's a stage actor for whom no one cheers, and a man with no real tact or social graces. A lifetime of this has made him an introvert, and as far as he's concerned, his only real friend in the world is Mayu, who regards him just as strongly as he regards her. But without Mayu around, Morishige is forced to find comfort wherever he can... even if it means obsessing over the dead while ignoring the living...
Yuuya Kizami
Kizami is a born psychopath. Even at a young age, death fascinated him while life held virtually no value. Sickened by the world's many social mores, Kizami seeks absolute honesty from those around him, and offers neither respect nor tolerance for anything less. When he was transported to Heavenly Host, he began to realize that the rules of society no longer applied, and thus decided to make this twisted space his own...
Yuka Mochida
Satoshi's little sister, Yuka is not unlike a spoiled princess, always getting her way and depending on her big brother for absolutely everything. When separated from Satoshi and forced to act on her own for the first time in her life, however, Yuka has only two options: take charge and survive, or panic and perish under Heavenly Host's many deadly torments. Does she have what it takes, or is this destined to be her last stand?
The Recently Departed
Each of these characters was referenced only in passing during the first game (if at all),
but has now been given either a leading role or a far meatier cameo.
Nana Ogasawara
(Last seen in Corpse Party Exchap 1)
A student from Musashigawa Girls' Middle School, previously seen taking the lead in finding a strange gentlemanly ghost's hat and glasses. Although she lacks self-confidence, Nana is an intelligent, talented and thoroughly competent individual who quickly befriends Mayu after learning that they're both active members in their respective schools' drama clubs. Despite being roughly the same age as Yuka, Nana acts significantly older and wiser, giving the impression that she's "mature beyond her years."
Tsukasa Mikuni
(A new addition to the Corpse Party canon)
A classmate and love interest of Yui's from her high school days, Tsukasa was something of a lone wolf who spent much of his youth sitting on a bench at school and ruminating. He had a kind nature and a helpful disposition, however, which led to his chance encounter and burgeoning friendship with Yui. Though they never talked much in class, Tsukasa and Yui frequently sat together in the school courtyard and waxed poetic on the most inane of topics, thoroughly enjoying every minute of it.
Sayaka Ooue
(Last seen in the Corpse Party Name Tag List)
Naho's best friend, Sayaka is an up-and-coming radio celebrity and voice actress who skips class at Paulownia High for work even more often than Naho does. Always bright and cheery, she's really the only one who can make Naho come out of her shell, and frequently finds herself playing master to her BFF's sudden feline persona. Sayaka trusts Naho implicitly, and would follow her into the depths of hell itself if asked...
Mitsuki Yamamoto
(Last seen in Corpse Party Chapter 3)
One of the Byakudan High girls, regarded by her friends (usually in secret) as "Hellgirl Mitsuki." Though strong-willed and extremely demanding on the outside, Mitsuki is actually a very kind and conscientious person, always pushing to get done those tedious or unpleasant tasks that nobody really wants to do (but we all know we have to). As such, she's perfectly suited to her duties as student council clerk.
Masato Fukuroi
(Last seen in Corpse Party Chapter 3 and Exchap 4)
President of Byakudan High's student council, Fukuroi is a largely humorless person -- all business, no play. He's easy to anger, but never holds a grudge, and his target is usually well-deserving of his ire. In times of crisis, Fukuroi is one of the best people you can have at your side. Of course, in a place like Heavenly Host, where logic and reason hold no meaning, a cool head can only get you so far...
Nari Amatoya
(Last seen in Corpse Party Exchap 1)
A childhood friend of Nana's and classmate of Chihaya's. While Nana typically humors Chihaya's spoiled whinings, Nari sees that as enabling and instead chooses to exercise "tough love." This is indicative of her personality in general: a self-reliant, no-nonsense sort of person who believes it's better simply to do than to waste time worrying or bellyaching about life's little lemons. Whether or not this attitude can help keep her alive in an otherworldly hell, however, remains to be seen...
Chihaya Yamase
(Last seen in Corpse Party Exchap 1)
The third member of the Musashigawa middle school trio, and easily the most helpless on her own. Without Nari or (preferably) Nana present, Chihaya really can't handle the world around her. Everything scares her, from thunder to slight movement, and she has a nasty habit of latching onto the shoulders of whoever's most convenient (much to Nari's chagrin) whenever she experiences any form of sudden fright. Considering the nature of Heavenly Host, this could be a virtually insurmountable problem.
Tohko Kirisaki
(Last seen in Corpse Party Chapter 4)
An ordinary, fun-loving girl from Byakudan High. Has a major crush on Kizami, whom she believes to be an honest, honorable and generally even-tempered gentleman. He serves as something of an inspiration to her, giving her the courage to keep going even when things are looking grim. Should anything happen to change her image of Kizami, however...
Kai Shimada
(Last seen in the Corpse Party Name Tag List)
Rude, boorish, violent and a renowned womanizer, Shimada is a street punk waiting to happen. Part of the Byakudan crowd, it's unclear how he actually wound up in his circle of friends, as nobody really seems to want him there. His impatience and general intolerance toward weak-willed men (and strong-willed women) often makes him a chore to be around, and he very clearly only ever thinks of himself. But the question is, will this powerful obstinacy make him harder to kill... or easier?
Emi Urabe
(Last seen in the Corpse Party Name Tag List)
One of Tohko's friends from Byakudan High, Emi is a relatively well-regarded person thanks to her socially conscious behavior. She plays within the rules and says what people want to hear, and they like and respect her for it. In other words, she's pretty much the embodiment of the kind of person Kizami silently loathes. And within these horrid, blood-stained halls, perhaps social graces are more a detriment than they are a benefit...
Others: Ryosuke Katayama, Tomohiro Ohkawa, Kou Kibiki, Shougo Taguchi
(Last seen in Corpse Party Chapter 5,
Exchap 4 and Exchap 7)
When Katayama of Byakudan High is gravely injured, how will his best friend Ohkawa react? How did occult journalist Kou Kibiki wind up in Heavenly Host to begin with? And what became of his cameraman, Mr. Taguchi, after the two got separated? Corpse Party: Book of Shadows features an ensemble cast of characters, some of whom players will recognize from the first game, while others are only now being given life (brief though it may be).